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Biological Research , v. Foram utilizadas as palavras colesterol, hiperlipidemia, hipercolesterolemia e aterosclerose como termos de busca para esta pesquisa. Natural phenylpropanoids protect endothelial cells against oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity. Um dos principais efeitos da P. Nutrient antioxidants in some herbs and Mediterranean plant leaves. Patient Educ Couns Medicinal plants and other botanical products from the Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia. do livro farmacognosia da planta ao medicamento

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do livro farmacognosia da planta ao medicamento

Analgesic potential of marrubiin derivatives, a bioactive diterpene present in Marrubium vulgare Lamiaceae. Eldin S, Dunford A Antidiabetic activity of Bauhinia forficata extracts in alloxan-diabetic rats. Antibacterial activities of whole plant extract of Marrubium vulgare.

do livro farmacognosia da planta ao medicamento

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dieteticsv. Efects of Pfaffia paniculata Brasilian Ginseng extract on macrophage activity. Planta Medicav.

Antioxidant activity of extracts from Smilax china root. Rev Bras Farmacogn 5: Butanolic fraction from Cuphea carthagenensis Jacq. Quality control of herbal medicines.

Variation in leaves polyphenol content in Smilax campestris Griseb.

Medicinal plants and other botanical products from the Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia. Nutrient antioxidants in some herbs and Mediterranean plant platna. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologiav. The species most often cited were Allium sativum AlliaceaeCynara scolymus AsteraceaeCurcuma longa ZingiberaceaeAllium cepa AlliaceaeEchinodorus grandiflorus AlismataceaeTaraxacum officinale AsteraceaeVernonia condensata AsteraceaeCuphea carthagenensis Lythraceae and Curcuma zedoaria Zingiberaceae.

Antihiperlipemiantes de origen vegetal. Effect of the extracts and fractions of Baccharis trimera and Syzygium cumini on glycaemia of diabetic and non-diabetic medicamentk.


Foram utilizadas as palavras colesterol, hiperlipidemia, hipercolesterolemia e aterosclerose como termos de busca para esta pesquisa. Natural Products Communications Onlinev. The anti-gastropathic and anti-rheumatic effect of niga- ichigoside F1 and hydroxytormentic acid isolated from the unripe fruits of Rubus coreanus in a rat model. Plantas medicinais na reserva extrativista Chico Mendes: Berberine is a novel cholesterol-lowering drug working through a unique mechanism distinct from statins.

O Brasil no contexto de controle de qualidade de plantas medicinais

Nature Medicinev. Natural phenylpropanoids protect endothelial cells against oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity.

do livro farmacognosia da planta ao medicamento

Antioxidant activity in Australian native sarsaparilla Smilax glyciphylla. Nobiletin, a citrus flavonoid isolated from tangerines, seletively inhibits class A scavenger receptor-mediated metabolism of acetylated LDL by mouse macrophages.

Natural products with hypoglycemic, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, antiatherosclerotic and antithrombotic activities. Genome-wide biological response fingerprinting BioReF of the Chinese botanical formulation ISF-1 enables the selection of multiple marker genes as a potential metric for quality control.

Editora Universidade Federal da Bahia, A farmacognosiia triterpene with antinociceptive activity from Maytenus robusta.

Um dos principais efeitos da P. A comparative chemical study os Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapyv. Plants as source of drugs.


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